- American Sign Language
- Anthropology
- Art
- Arabic (Modern Languages)
- Arts and Cultural Studies
- Astronomy
- Basic Skills Initiative
- Biology
- Biotechnology
- Business
- Career Technical Education
- Chemistry
- Chinese (Modern Languages)
- Communication Studies
- Computer Information Systems
- Economics
- Education
- English
- English as a Second Language
- Ethnic Studies
- First Year Experience
- French (Modern Languages)
- Geography
- Geology
- Global Studies
- History
- Humanities
- Learning Communities
- Learning Resources
- Liberal Arts
- Library Information Systems
- Mathematics
- Modern Languages
- Multimedia Arts
- Music
- PERSIST To College
- Philosophy
- Physical Science
- Physics
- Political Science
- Portuguese (Modern Languages)
- Psychology
- Social Work and Human Services
- Science and Biotechnology
- Social Science
- Social Sciences (Department)
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Women’s Studies