Title IX


Most people think Title IX is just for schools with Athletics, but did you know that Title IX also promotes and opens the door for women and girls pursuing math and science?  It requires fair treatment for pregnant and parenting students, and protects all students from bullying and sexual harassment, among other things.

Quick Links:

1 minute video about Title IX.  KNOW YOUR IX

Handout: 9 Things to Know About Title IX

Unclear about Affirmative Consent? TEA CONSENT

Understanding Sexual Violence: Myths and Facts about Sexual Violence

How to report: Complaint and Investigation Procedures for Employees and Students

Confidentiality Information: Berkeley City College Confidentiality 

Notification and Investigation Information: Berkeley City College Notification and Investigation Procedures

Visit Student Sexual Violence and Harrassment Training.

Community Resources, Policies, and Forms

Title IX Information:

Community Services and Resources: 

Policies and Procedures: