
Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 2006 The Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act is an exceptional Ford-administration era federal grant devoted to providing critical resources to support career technical education for disadvantaged students, including those who are economically disadvantaged, of limited English proficiency, students with disabilities, single parents and displaced homemakers, and those of gender not traditionally represented in the discipline. Administered by the California Department of Education for the improvement of secondary and post-secondary career and technical education programs (CTE), this grant defines career and technical education as organized educational activities offering a sequence of courses that provides individuals with the necessary academic and technical knowledge and skills to prepare for further education and for careers in current or emerging employment sectors. Career and technical education includes competency-based applied learning that contributes to students’ academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general employability skills, technical skills, and occupation-specific skills. At Berkeley City College, Perkins resources have funded exceptional, instructional and counseling faculty-driven development and innovation of CTE and CTE serving student programs of study. For more information regarding Perkins-funded activities, please find the BCC Perkin’s reporting below within the Peralta Community College District’s Annual Perkins applications and reports. Perkins Applications PCCD 2013 Perkins Application PCCD 2012 Perkins Application Perkins Reporting PCCD 2013 Perkins Report PCCD 2012 Perkins Report Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 2006 BCC Perkins Renewal Packet CTE Perkins Application Packet 15-16 Renewal Update, Process, and Instructions

Dear CTE and CTE student serving colleagues,

The state Chancellor’s Office has just completed its audit of the Peralta sister colleges’ CTE and CTE serving programs. I am proud to share BCC’s audit preparation and presentation was cited as a model, and utilized by our sister colleges!

Excitedly, the District has also just released the updated Perkins data and proposed Perkins allocations for next year:

·         Based on data made possible by Dr. Engel and PCCD IR Director Pellegrin, BCC now serves 16% (2007) of PCCD’s CTE students meeting the federal definition of

o    economically disadvantaged

o   limited English proficient

o   with disabilities

o   single parents

o   displaced homemakers; and/or

o   non-traditional gender representation in the discipline

·         BCC’s Perkins CTE students population is up to 16% or 2007 from 15% or 1831  students in the prior year year.

·         In fiscal year 15-16, BCC will receive $114,661 in Perkins funding, up from $113,161 last year.

Accordingly, I also wanted to check in to ensure all 2015-16 CTE funding requests are properly captured in your annual program updates (APUs) and make sure nothing is overlooked in our request to the District for Perkins funding. Please note, as with all federal and state funding, Perkins funds are subject to the approval of the state and federal legislatures, as well as our compliance with grant rules and regulations, including documented industry advisories.

Before 4 May 2015 at 5PM, would you be so kind to reply and advise:

1)      For CTE top coded programs, you have reviewed your programs 14-15 and 15-16 Core Indicators to review the number, type, and success of disadvantaged students your CTE program of study served in 2014-15 and 2015-16.

a)      Please find them here:

b)      To search, Select Form Type (Form 1 Part F by 6 Digit Top Code), Select District/College (Berkeley City College), Select Fiscal Year (2014-2015), Select TOP Code (Select your CTE program(s) TOP Code), hit View Report. To print, ctrl P.

c)    Want more help with understanding Core Indicator Reports? Please find great information from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office here:

Brief How To on CTE Perkins Core Indicators CCCCO Use of Core Indicators to Track the Success of Special Populations in CTE


In-Depth Guide To Perkins CCCCCO Perkins CTE_Resource_Guide-RevJune2012

d) Please note, this data MUST inform all Perkins requests. The form must be printed and signed or PDFed and digitally signed then returned to                     


2)      For all programs, you have submitted your complete Perkins request in one of the two below methods:

a)      If all of your CTE Perkins extra-service, tutoring, equipment, supplies, and professional development requests for 2015-16 are included in your area or department’s APU (if helpful, please find your APUs here: ), please reply to with this information and detail briefly how these requests tie to your core indicators. Please remember to drop of or email your signed core indicator form.

b)      If not, please add these items to the above 15-16 Perkins Application form for return with your signed core indicators form. Please note the 15-16 Perkins form requires the signatures of the applicable chair and dean as well as faculty senate president. Please reserve the time needed to secure these signatures prior to submission.

Thank you for your time and consideration! Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns. I am happy to converse via email, set an appointment, or discuss during Friday’s 4/24/15 CTE meeting in the TLC from 12-1PM.

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