California Community College Linked Learning Initiative 1.0 and 2.0

CCCLLI-puzzle-logo-300x134 The California Community College Linked Learning Initiative (CCCLLI) brings together Linked Learning high schools, community colleges, business leaders and four year colleges and universities to create pathways for Linked Learning students to successfully transition from high school to community college. These pathways will enable students to earn a certificate, degree or credential that is valued by employers and demonstrates career readiness or sufficient preparation to succeed at a four year college or university. At Berkeley City College, the CCCLLI has partnered the multimedia arts department with the computer technology academy at Oakland Unified School District’s Skyline High School to update articulation agreements, provide transitional services, hold joint industry advisory boards, and a large event engaging high school and community college students in the classroom and theater to explore careers in multimedia art. For more about the pathway and OUSD-BCC pilot, please feel free to review our PowerPoint presentations: Digital Media Pathway Redesign for Better Student Outcomes (Presented at the CCCCO Digital Media Educators Conference, College of Canyons, Summer 2014) BCC-OUSD ICT/Digital Media Pathway Model and Local Best Practices  (Presented to the ICT/Digital Media Pathway Action team at the first East Bay Career Pathways Trust Convening) BCC is deeply honored to receive funding for these pilots from the Irvine Foundation via the Career Ladders Project.
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