Course Student Learning Outcomes (Course SLOs)
are learning outcomes that we expect students to achieve after they have completed a course.
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
are learning outcomes we expect students to achieve after completing a degree or path of study.
Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
represent the skills and knowledge that students are expected to attain as a result of completing an instructional program at BCC. Students completing an Associate Degree at BCC will be able to demonstrate all of the BCC Institutional Learning Outcomes. All BCC courses and certificates are designed to teach some or all of the ILO’s. In addition, students achieve these ILO’s throughout their experiences at BCC, for example, with student services and student clubs.
2019-2023 ILO Assessment Schedule
Communication | Students show that they communicate well when they:
Critical Thinking | Students demonstrate critical thinking skills when they:
Computational Skills/Quantitative Reasoning | Students demonstrate computational skills when they:
Ethics and Personal Responsibility | Students show the ability to act ethically and assume personal responsibility when they:
Global Awareness and Valuing Diversity | Students demonstrate global awareness and show that they value diversity when they:
Information Competency | Students demonstrate information competency when they:
Service Area Outcomes (SAOs)
are explicit statements describing knowledge, skills, abilities, and/or attitudes that a student will be able to demonstrate at the end (or as a result) of his or her engagement in a particular lesson, course, program, or collegiate experience.