
This page is for the recommendations the Academic Senate for Berkeley City College (BCC) has forwarded through the BCC and Peralta participatory governance committees as well as any resolutions the Senate has passed.

2020-21 Academic Year

2019-2020 Academic Year

 2018-2019 Academic Year

2017-2018 Academic Year


2013-2014 Academic Year

On 18 September the Academic Senate moved to recommend to the Roundtable the following campus goals as recommended to the Senate by the Assessment Committee: 1) The college should increase hours of availability for computer labs to accommodate students who need morning, evening and Saturday hours  (based on CCSSE results), 2) The college should implement an academic advising program as soon as possible (based on CCSSE results), 3) The college should complete plans for all Institutional Learning Outcomes assessments at the college (based on ACCJC Standards). Motion accepted by the Education Committee and Roundtable.

Also on 18 September the Academic Senate moved to recommend to the Roundtable to add to the “Charge” of the Assessment Committee the following as suggested by the Assessment Committee Chair J. Lowood: 1) to plan and conduct Institutional Learning Outcome assessment and other large assessments, 2) to ensure that all course, program, and ILO assessments are completed, based on the published timeline. Motion accepted by the Education Committee and Roundtable.