2021 – 2022 Emergency Assistance Application Now Available

If you are facing a one-time or short term financial emergency, we may be able to help. Berkeley City College is offering limited grants to assist students who are struggling with an urgent expense that might interfere with attending school or finishing your program. The grant is a college response to address emergency needs for low-income college students, including undocumented students, foster youth, non-credit, and those who are housing insecure.

Update: This application is now closed.

For more information, please visit https://www.berkeleycitycollege.edu/emergency-assistance/

Petition for Graduation by March 12th, 2021

Are you planning to graduate during the Spring 2021 semester? Schedule a virtual appointment with a counselor to petition for graduation by March 12th, 2021!

How can I participate the virtual commencement?

Please schedule an appointment with our counselors to petition for graduation. You can schedule a Zoom appointment online on this page: https://www.berkeleycitycollege.edu/counseling/appointments/

Petition for AA, AS, AA-T, and AS-T Degrees

Petition for Certificate of Achievement/Completion

When is the deadline to submit my petition to a counselor?

The last day to meet with a counselor to submit your petition is on Friday, March 12th.

How exactly will a virtual commencement work?

A link will be e-mailed to you where you will be able to upload a photo of yourself and a message. More information will be provided.

Will I be able to purchase a cap and gown?

Yes, you may be able to purchase a cap and gown through our bookstore at https://www.berkeleycitycollege.edu/bookstore/
For shipping and store pickup, order by: Monday, May 12th, 2021 to receive your caps and gowns by commencement.

When will I be able to receive my degree?

You will be able to pick up your degree during the Fall 2021 semester depending on the shelter-in-place order.

If you have any additional questions, please contact John Nguyen at johnnguyen@peralta.edu


For more information, please go to https://www.berkeleycitycollege.edu/grad/

BCC Landed Partnership

Berkeley City College Becomes First College in East Bay to Launch Landed;
Program Already Helping Bay Area K-12 School Employees Buy Homes

Berkeley, CA – Today, Berkeley City College (BCC) announced it has become the first institution of higher education in the East Bay to launch with Landed, a down payment assistance and homebuyer education program aimed at helping educators and school employees afford to buy homes.

The program provides half of the down payment on a home, up to $120,000 per family, in exchange for a portion of the change in the value of the home when the home is sold. Any gains from this assistance are re-invested to support an ever-growing number of educators and essential professionals. Landed’s down payment support will be available to all faculty, staff, and administrators who have worked for Berkeley City College, or another qualifying educational institution, for at least two years.

“As the cost of housing in the Bay Area continues to rise, too many of our employees are finding it harder to afford homes and stay in the area,” said Berkeley City College President Rowena Tomaneng. “We believe Landed will be a valuable solution to help improve our recruitment and retention by making homeownership more accessible, and we’re encouraged by the success that the program is already having for K-12 schools across Alameda County.”

Since its founding in 2015, Landed has helped more than 200 educators purchase homes in the Bay Area, Los Angeles, Denver, and Seattle, including more than 20 educators in Alameda County. The partnership with Berkeley City College is Landed’s first with a higher education institution in the East Bay.

“We are thrilled to partner with Berkeley City College to support faculty and staff. Our early success in partnering with community colleges has been encouraging and we know that the housing need is only growing,” said Landed Director of Partnerships, Ian Magruder.

Interested employees can apply for Landed support beginning Tuesday, September 3, at

Information sessions for faculty and staff to learn more about the program will be held on campus on Wednesday, September 18th. Interested employees can RSVP for the information sessions at: landed.com/events.

About Berkeley City College
BCC students form a thriving college community which mirrors the Bay Area’s ethnic, cultural and socioeconomic diversity. BCC is part of the Peralta Community College District and is located in downtown Berkeley, in one of the world’s great education centers. Student success is always BCC’s first priority. BCC continually adapts programs and services to meet students’ needs making it one of the top transfer institutions to UC Berkeley. (berkeleycitycollege.edu)

About Landed
Landed is a San Francisco-based mission-driven startup helping essential professionals build financial security. Landed partners with public colleges, school districts, and community organizations to provide down payment support to educators. (landed.com)

Rock the Congress

A Progressive Coalition Event Promoting Civic Engagement
9/7/19, Berkeley City College, 2050 Center St., Berkeley, CA 94704
Join us on Saturday, September 7th at Berkeley City College!
This is a conference for progressive community advocates and organizers presented by a coalition of organizations and civic engagement groups, with partners in local unions, GOTV alliances, and grassroots activists. Our focus: strategies and tactics to hold the House, take back the Senate and White House, and nourish a culture of active citizenry that heals and sustains our democracy over time.

  • Reinforce progressive activism grounded in the strength of diversity and the power of unity
  • Engage new activists and recharge seasoned activists and leaders with an array of local and national opportunities to broaden the progressive movement’s impact in 2020


  • Keynote presentations, panel discussions, and interactive breakouts featuring national and local leaders in electoral and issue-based advocacy
  • Panelists and presenters from diverse organizations include the following leaders, and many more:
  • Aimee Allison, Founder and President of She the People
  • Kathryn Durham-Hammer, President, Diablo Valley Democratic Club and Lead, Indivisible ReSisters Walnut Creek
  • Demnlus Johnson, Councilmember, City of Richmond, CA
  • Shawn Kumagai, City Council Member, City of Dublin
  • Donald Lathbury, Communications Director and Strategist, Flip the West
  • Mallory Long, Training Director, All On The Line
  • Colleen McCarthy, Northern California Regional Field Director, Swing Left
  • Shawna McKnight, Public Affairs Officer, Planned Parenthood Mar Monte
  • Raquel Ortega, Organizer, ACLU of Northern California
  • Tamisha Walker, Executive Director, Safe Return Project
  • Interactive breakouts include the following, and more:
  • 30, Leading Change
  • Adventures in Building and Sustaining Grassroots Groups
  • Border Crisis, Immigration Policy, and the 2020 Elections
  • Census 2020: Everyone Counts
  • Centering Community Care in Social and Racial Justice Advocacy
  • Exploring the Relationship between Grassroots Activism and the Democratic Party
  • Keeping Central Valley Blue
  • Out-of-State Electoral Strategies

Contact: eastbay@rockthecongress.org
Strength in Diversity, Power in Unity

ASBCC voting flyer

2018-2019 Student Government Candidates for Berkeley City College (ASBCC)

ASBCC voting flyer

Romina Contreras

Vice President of Finance
Woser Tsomo

Vice President of Administration
Violet Murov

Vice President of Public Relations
Emily Diehl
Ruizhi Wang

Vice President of Programs
Aiden Barry-Owen


John Bennett
Desi Carrasco

PCCD Student Trustees
Nicholas Galan (Berkeley City College)
Aisha Jordan (Laney College)
Jason To (College of Alameda)
Clemaus Trevalon (College of Alameda)

Students will be able to vote online & in-person on Tuesday, April 10 at 8 a.m. until Wednesday, April 11th at 11:59 p.m.

In-person voting stations will be available on the 1st Floor in Berkeley City College from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. both days.

More information on elections can be found here: https://www.berkeleycitycollege.edu/asbcc/election-voting/

Questions? Contact the Campus Life Director, Room 151, 510.981.2877


Orchids in bloom

Poetry @ BCC: April 24 with Vernon Keeve – 6:30 to 9 pm in the Students Lounge

Come join us for poetry by BCC students, guest poets from the community and an open mike. We’ll also have free refreshments, book give-away for the first students who come, and books by the poets for sale.

All events will take place from 6:30 – 9 pm in the Students Lounge, 5th floor, of Berkeley City College, 2050 Center St., downtown Berkeley, a half block from the Downtown Berkeley Bart Station.


Tuesday, March 13, 2018:

Barbara Jane Reyes – author of Invocation to Daughters (City Lights Publishers, 2017)

Tuesday, April 24, 2018:

Vernon Keeve III – a Virginia born writer that California molded into an educator.

Thursday, May 10, 2018:

Arisa White – graduate fellow of Cave Canem, author of Black Pearl, Post Pardon, Hurrah’s Nest, and A Penny Save.

Poetry flyer

FREE Arab Film Series at BCC: Documentary Shorts – April 26

Please join Berkeley City College‘s #Arabic language students, the Arab Film and Media Institute/Arab Film Festival and Yalla Arabi: SF/East Bay Arabic Language Meetup as we present the ARAB FILM SERIES. Catch some of the hottest films that have screened at the ARAB FILM FESTIVAL.


April 26, 2018

Berkeley City College Auditorium, 2050 Center Street, Berkeley.


Screenings are free and open to the public but MUST register here to guarantee your seat(s).



A diverse assembly of short format documentary films that include spotlights on traditional #Moroccan #Sufi-inspired rock music and Amman’s underground #HeavyMetal scene, to a portrait of #Palestinian youth living under #occupation.


Of note in this program are 4 films from #SupportYemen’s documentary filmmaking workshop Comra (or “photographic dark room”) that supports #Yemeni filmmakers in tandem with the British Council. 


Heartfelt, relevant, and inspiring:

our documentary shorts program has something for everyone.