
For the complete packet including this overview, application, ranking forms, relevant article from the PFT Contract, and sabbatical contract, please click to download:



BCC Sabbatical Handbook 2019_2020
BCC Sabbatical Handbook 2020_2021




Who is Eligible?

Professional Development leave, with pay, may be granted to regular faculty members for the purpose of carrying out an approved program which will benefit the District, students, the college and the faculty member.  The faculty member must have completed at least six (6) consecutive years of regular faculty service preceding the granting of the leave.


How do I learn more?

There will be a sabbatical workshop held each Fall Semester before October 15th. Applications are due on November 15th.

Your attendance at the workshops is an opportunity to ask questions and discuss the process, but is not a requirement for applying; all materials are available online at the Professional Development website. PD Chairs can also meet individually with anyone who cannot attend one of the workshops.


Who selects the candidates, and how?

3 administrators and 3 faculty from the Professional Development Committee use a 2-step scoring process. Ties are broken by seniority. Please see the Sabbatical Handbook for the ranking forms.


What should I include in my application?

  • The application form
  • A detailed proposal of what you intend to do (there isn’t a form for this – you can just write a letter to the committee)
  • Any relevant supporting materials (for example, if appropriate: letters of acceptance, a letter of support from your department chair, course of study brochures, abstract for a research project, etc.)