Applying for Funding

Dear staff, part-time and full-time faculty:

Thank you for your interest in furthering your own professional development and contributing to the continuing improvement of our school. The Professional Development Committee meets monthly to review requests. Classified and other staff: please note that PFT funding by contract is limited to faculty; however, there may be grant or other funding available without that restriction, so please apply!

What is Funded

Depending on funds available and requests received, professional development funds may be awarded for the following:

  • collaborative projects
  • courses
  • in-house training
  • webinars
  • books, materials, supplies, software
  • memberships, subscriptions
  • retreats
  • conference registration, travel, registration, hotel accommodations, meals, and other related expenses

How to Apply

You can complete the professional development funding request application and it will be reviewed by the professional development committee at their soonest meeting (see our meeting schedule on our homepage). If you have questions, feel free to contact the Professional Development Committee Co-Chairs at

Please note for in-state and out-of-state travel:

It is imperative to allow for proper processing time to have your funding request reviewed and approved by our committee. Please apply for funding that involves travel no later than 50-60 days prior to booking any travel, registration, or other conference related expenses. No funding requests shall be approved retroactively.