The Professional Development Committee is a Standing Committee of Participatory Governance at Berkeley City College, as outlined in the Berkeley City College Shared Governance Manual:
Once a year, after the membership and the amount of released time are determined, the Committee shall elect a chairperson. The chairperson shall be a faculty member but does not have to be a member of the Committee. If the chair is not a member, the chair shall not be eligible to vote. The term of office shall be for one year, and shall not exceed four consecutive terms.
The Professional Development Committee shall consist of:
- three (3) administrators designated by the College President;
- three (3) faculty members: one chosen by the PFT Chapter Chairs, one chosen by the College Academic Senate, and one by mutual agreement; and
- three (3) Classified Staff chosen by Classified Senate.
Length of Term:
The term of service shall be for two (2) years, and no one shall serve for more than four (4) consecutive years. Term of service shall commence on the first day of school of each academic year. If someone replaces a member, he/she will fill out that member’s term and then be eligible to server his/her own two-year term, if reappointed. In no case may anyone serve beyond four consecutive years. If a faculty vacancy on the committee is anticipated, there shall be a written notice no later than April 15th of the preceding academic year to every faculty member from both the PFT Chapter chairs and the college Academic Senate notifying all faculty:
- of any vacancies on the committee;
- that all are eligible to serve;
- what the responsibilities for committee members are;
- what the procedures for application are.
Charge of the Committee (see separate page)
Responsibilities of the Chairperson:
- The chairperson shall be responsible for implementing all of the policies, procedures, and guidelines that have been established by the College Professional Development Committee and the PFT-PCCD collective bargaining agreement.
- The chairperson shall
- Call and schedule all meetings of the committee, including special meetings as requested or needed; prepare an agenda; distribute minutes; conduct all communication, including the committee’s recommendations and decisions, to all interested parties
- As assigned, write all official College reports, local and state, as required, in a timely manner
- Make sure the business of the Committee is conducted in a fair, open, and timely manner
- Oversee all College Flex (Professional Day) Activities, including registration, room assignments, equipment availability, designating facilitator, evaluations, etc.
- Communicate with the College community on a regular, on-going basis in order to discuss, refine, and update the Professional Development Committees funding goals and priorities
- Meet on a periodic basis, as needed, with the District Officer of Staff Development and the Professional Development chairs
- Plan, develop, initiate, co-ordinate the College’s collaborative/special projects and college-wide activities and be generally responsible for the overall improvement of skills, knowledge, and morale of all segments of the College community.
Frequency of Meetings:
Once per month, with special meetings as necessary.
Recommends to:
Education Committee and College Roundtable, Academic Senate, Classified Senate.
For additional specifications, please refer to PFT Contract Article 25.
(Referenced from pages 34-35 of the Berkeley City College Shared Governance Manual)