
Christina Tam, PhD, MSW
HUSV Faculty and Program Coordinator

Dr. Christina Tam is a part-time BCC faculty member and an Associate Scientist with the Alcohol Research Group of the Public Health Institute. Her substantive interests include examining social determinants that contribute to racial/ethnic health disparities in health risk behaviors including substance use. Dr. Tam hopes to use her research to engage with community organizations to create meaningful interventions for health and social equity.

Yamini Oseguera-Bhatnagar, MPH
HUSV Faculty

Yamini is a convener, strategist and organizer who has been working in public health since 2007. Yamini’s background ranges from youth development to women’s health, reproductive rights advocacy, racial & gender justice. She is passionate about supporting the resilience of communities locally and worldwide. She is a UC Berkeley alum and earned her Masters in Public Health from San Francisco State University.

Melina Winterton, MPH
HUSV Faculty

Melina has been serving the public health for 20+ years. A third-culture child from the wilds of DC, she has a unique perspective on social determinants of health, cultural literacy, and the profound impact a single individual can have in their own community. 

Sonja Herbert, MPH
HUSV Faculty


Tyler Bennett
HUSV Faculty