UC TAG (Transfer Admission Guarantee)

Applying for transfer this year? Guarantee your spot at a UC!

The Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program offers guaranteed admission to the University of California (UC). Six UC campuses (Davis, Irvine, Merced, Riverside, Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz) offer the TAG program for California community college students who meet specific requirements.

TAG requirements are campus and major specific, please see the TAG Matrix for an overview.

To apply for TAG create a UC TAP account using these tutorial videos.

For Fall 2025 Admission TAG application is Due September 30!

Attend a workshop to learn if you qualify for TAG and receive support with your application.

Create a UC TAP account using these tutorial videos.

TAG eligibility requirements by campus Virtual transfer events and advising

UC Davis TAG

Turn TAP into TAG! Workshop – Sept. 5th

UC Irvine TAG

TAP/TAG Workshop – Sept 5th

UC Merced TAG

UCM Virtual Transfer Events/Advising

TAG Video

UC Riverside TAG

UCR Virtual Transfer Events/Advising -TBD

UC Santa Barbara TAG

Transfer Admission Webinar – Sept. 27

TAG Video

UC Santa Cruz TAG

TAG Admission Webinar – Sept. 17

ALL UC Campuses TAG

TAG/TAG Tutorial Videos

Other UC Transfer Resources

UC TAP/TAG Step-by-Step Tutorial Videos

Fall 2023 UC TAG GPA’s- Top 20 Majors

UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)

Application is Due September 30th, 2024

Attend an online TAG Workshop: Sept. 5th & Sept.10th

Meet with a counselor for TAG application support.

Appointments are limited. Schedule yours now!