CC anchor 26 July

Step 1: Learn about yourself!

This is the first step in finding a major and/or career that is right for you. The assessments below will help you identify your **interests, skills, values, and personality type. The quick assessments offer an easy-to-use format and tell you results quickly. Focus 2 offers a complete career/major development and activation profile. Both of these great resources will help you learn about yourself and begin your (or continue) your major/career development journey. ​

*Pro Tip* Make a counseling appointment after completing one (or all) of these assessments to go over your results with a Counselor .

Quick Assessments (10-15 min each)

What are my interests?​
Career Zone Interest Profiler

What matters to me (values) in a major/career?​
Career Values Assessment

What skills have I developed or wish to develop?
Career Skills Assessment

What is my personality type?
Personality Type Assessment

Focus 2- Career Planning Portfolio (30-60 mins)​

Create a career development profile!​
Career Development Profile​
​Access Code = bcc​


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Step 2: Now that you have more information about your interests, values, skills, and personality type, let’s explore majors and careers.

​BCC Majors:​​

Job/Career Information:​
Interest Assessment

Holland Code (after interests’ assessment) careers:​​

Personality Type careers and majors: ​​

Connecting majors to careers:​
Major to Career Plan​
Career Finder​

Which jobs/careers have a lot of opportunity in the future (bright outlook)?​
Bright Career Futures


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