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4 thoughts on “Brown Bag Lunch Discussions

  1. Dear Andi,
    I have taught 9 semesters of a course called Digital Media Literacy or MAC-Basics to mostly novice computer users in the field of Multimedia Arts. My students vary widely in their abilities, and I solve the problem by:
    1.) giving an assessment quiz on the first day of class to get to know the abilities of my students
    2.) encouraging advanced students to help the beginners; I stress that learning by teaching is the highest form of learning
    3.) assigning several levels of difficulty for each assignment and encouraging the more advanced students to attempt the more difficult level
    4.) encouraging the more advanced students to develop and work on their own “special projects”.

  2. Andi,
    Sounds like a great topic for a brown bag lunch discussion, and I think a follow-up workshop that Cleavon mentioned would be great, too! I’ll follow up soon.

  3. Andi’s question is an urgent one and speaks to a challenege that almost all teachers, no matter the level, have. I think the workshop we held last year about scaffolding across the disciplines addressed that question. Maybe we should organize a follow-up to that workshop in the TLC.

  4. A couple of instructors and myself were talking about how difficult it is to teach students with such a wide range of abilities in community colleges. Specifically, we would love to ask experienced teachers: how do you teach to/challenge the top students without losing all those at the bottom? This is an issue that I wrestle with constantly. (I could also attend brown bag lunches only on Tuesdays or Thursdays so I hope that sometimes they are offered those days.) Thanks!!

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