2008 – 2009 Goals

Berkeley city college’s goals for 2008-2009

Advancing student access, equity, and success

  1. Implement strategies identified in basic skills inventory in order to improve the transition of basic skills students to college-level courses.
  2. Create retention task force as a subcommittee of Berkeley City College’s Roundtable.
  3. Improve linkages between instruction and student services as a means to improve student success.
  4. Incorporate assessment plans for the improvement of learning outcomes for courses, programs, general education courses, and services.
  5. Develop action plan for implementation of Student Equity Report.
  6. Meet enrollment target established by the District.
  7. Maintain or improve productivity of 19 minimum class size for all course offerings.
  8. Expand transfer agreements and number of transfers to universities.
  9. Connect with high schools and middle schools as part of the Student Ambassador Program.

Engaging our communities and partners

  1. Continue partnership with City of Berkeley’s Youth Works and Rubicon.
  2. Represent the College at Chamber events at Berkeley, Emeryville, and Albany.
  3. Expand role of industry advisory committees.
  4. Host events to the community in an effort to showcase BCC’s programs and services.
  5. Expand partnership with UC’s Center for Organizational and Workforce Development.
  6. Update Strategic Marketing Plan with an emphasis on community relations and outreach objectives.

Building programs of distinction

  1. Expand distance learning course offerings.
  2. Implement service learning in selected programs.
  3. Implement “green initiatives” in selected programs.
  4. Expand offerings in multimedia, biosciences, and tourism/hospitality.
  5. Pilot learning communities in Foundations Program (basic skills).
  6. Develop Faculty Lecture Series.


  1. Complete successful accreditation self study by December 2008.
  2. Prepare for accreditation visit in March 2009.
  3. Work with district to complete Facility Plan.
  4. Work with district to complete Technology Plan.
  5. Develop interdisciplinary linkages between instruction and student services.
  6. Create a newly formed Facilities Task Force as a subcommittee of BCC’s Roundtable for Planning and Budget.