Berkeley city college’s goals for 2008-2009
Advancing student access, equity, and success
- Implement strategies identified in basic skills inventory in order to improve the transition of basic skills students to college-level courses.
- Create retention task force as a subcommittee of Berkeley City College’s Roundtable.
- Improve linkages between instruction and student services as a means to improve student success.
- Incorporate assessment plans for the improvement of learning outcomes for courses, programs, general education courses, and services.
- Develop action plan for implementation of Student Equity Report.
- Meet enrollment target established by the District.
- Maintain or improve productivity of 19 minimum class size for all course offerings.
- Expand transfer agreements and number of transfers to universities.
- Connect with high schools and middle schools as part of the Student Ambassador Program.
Engaging our communities and partners
- Continue partnership with City of Berkeley’s Youth Works and Rubicon.
- Represent the College at Chamber events at Berkeley, Emeryville, and Albany.
- Expand role of industry advisory committees.
- Host events to the community in an effort to showcase BCC’s programs and services.
- Expand partnership with UC’s Center for Organizational and Workforce Development.
- Update Strategic Marketing Plan with an emphasis on community relations and outreach objectives.
Building programs of distinction
- Expand distance learning course offerings.
- Implement service learning in selected programs.
- Implement “green initiatives” in selected programs.
- Expand offerings in multimedia, biosciences, and tourism/hospitality.
- Pilot learning communities in Foundations Program (basic skills).
- Develop Faculty Lecture Series.
- Complete successful accreditation self study by December 2008.
- Prepare for accreditation visit in March 2009.
- Work with district to complete Facility Plan.
- Work with district to complete Technology Plan.
- Develop interdisciplinary linkages between instruction and student services.
- Create a newly formed Facilities Task Force as a subcommittee of BCC’s Roundtable for Planning and Budget.