Registration Enhancement Committee

The Registration Enhancement Committee meets twice per semester before and after peak registration period to enhance effectiveness and efficiency for enrollment services, and identify and minimize redundancies and barriers.

Enrollment –

  • Become familiar with the established enrollment targets and promote access, equity, and success;
  • Assist in determining, achieving and maintaining optimum enrollment in credit and contract education programs;
  • Ensure class schedule development meets enrollment needs by adopting the revised/up-to-date class schedule from previous term with adjustment for improvement.

Increase Organizational Efficiency –

  • Identify and remove registration bottlenecks, e.g., student registration holds;
  • Review, evaluate registration process, procedures, and practices to enable the delivery of effective academic programs and student support services;
  • Improve existing service triage design and implement the enhanced plan in areas, e.g., assessment, orientation, counseling, financial aid, business services, instruction;

Improve Service Level and Quality –

  • Service mapping. Continue to enhance and implement the referral slip to facilitate enrollment services and communication.
  • Professional development. Continue to identify and conduct professional development trainings and workshops, e.g., customer services.
  • Increase service hours. Continue to improve and implement service hours for day and evening students. Publish office hour online, post signage in front of the office and on the electronic monitors, and ensure service quality and availability.

Advisory –

  • Serve as an advisory body to college-wide administrators and staff members.


The Registration Enhancement Committee makes recommendations to the Vice President of Student Services.