Berkeley City College’s HSI Timeline

BCC reaches Latinx student enrollment – Fall 2019

Identified as having enrolled 25% or more Latinx and Chicanx students, BCC submits an application to the U.S. Department of Education requesting approval of eligibility

BCC Approved as an HSI – January 2020

On January 30, 2020, Berkeley City College receives official notification of our designation as an eligible institution under Titles III and V of the Higher Education Act of 1965

Submission of DHSI Grant Application – February 2020

In February 2020, Berkeley City College submits its first DHSI grant application proposing Conocimiento Los Caminos

Grant Application Approved and Conocimiento Los Caminos Begins – October 2020

On October 2020, Conocimiento Los Caminos officially began its first grant year and project ramp up begins

First Puente Cohort begins – August 2021

The first Puente cohort begins at the start of the 2021-2022 Academic Year, as part of BCC’s Learning Communities.  Outreach at the regional high schools, including Berkeley High School, Oakland Tech, Castlemont, Skyline, and Emery High School also begin and continue throughout the 2021-2022 Academic Year

First “Bienvenida de BCC” held – January 2022

To support students in their transition back to in person classes after the pandemic, Conocimiento Los Caminos hosts its first Bienvenida a BCC, a resource tour of BCC’s campus the many resources for first-generation college students, or those that are the first in their families to graduate from college

Annual HSI Designation Approved – January 2022

As part of its annual designation, BCC applies for continued eligibility of its HSI designation and is approved for the 2022 year.

1st Annual BCC Career Fair Held – April 2022

As part of the work of Conocimiento Los Caminos, BCC hosts its first annual Career Education and Career Fair in partnership with BCC’s Career Education, the Career and Transfer Center and BCC Counseling. Over 200 students, faculty and staff participate in the day-long event.