Dear Berkeley City College Community,
As we enter the third week of the spring semester classes, I hope that this message finds you settling into your classes, programs, and activities for the semester. It has been great to see the energy throughout the various parts of campus, from student programming, to student support sessions facilitated by staff, to faculty working to create inclusive teaching & learning spaces.
Enrollment Summary
As of today, a total of 6,661 students are enrolled at Berkeley City College. The enrollment has generated 1,255 resident full-time equivalent students (FTES) and 126 non-resident FTES, totaling 1,381 FTES. The resident FTES rate is 85.9% of our spring 2021 FTES target. We are offering a total of 442 classes and the average productivity is 13.4 (17.5 is our goal). While we have more students than at this point last year, they are enrolling in fewer units. It should come to no surprise that for many students, enrolling in more courses is proving challenging given the COVID-19 health pandemic and the distance learning modality.
Enrollment Management is “Everyone’s Business” and the integrated work between instruction and student services has resulted in more students enrolling, especially in Dual Enrollment. Now we must engage in campus work and discussion about how we can make students’ pathways to and through enrollment smoother; how we can support their learning to maximize their potential and success; and how to build upon our efforts to promote access and work towards a culture of completion. There has been much discussion about FTES and FTEF targets, declining enrollment, and the strategies we will take as a college to mitigate further declines and boost areas of growth. Join me at the next Cafécito with the President on 2/18/21 (12:30 – 1:30 pm) to share your ideas and learn of current strategies for enrollment management and student success.
COVID-19 Update
The California Department of Public Health reports that as of February 9, 2021, there are 3,362,981 COVID-19 cases with 44,995 fatalities. As the state continues to roll out vaccination efforts, please refer to the CA Department of Public Health- Vaccine Information web page to learn more. The Berkeley City College campus will continue to be open for faculty, staff, and administrators who need to perform essential functions on Tuesdays and Thursdays, between 10:00 am – 2:00pm. As part of ongoing developments to promote health and safety, the PCCD is beginning to implement temperature scanning stations upon entry to the building. The station is a “walk-up” scanner that reads your temperature upon entrance. Future district communications will provide additional information regarding the evolution of health and safety measures. Please continue to submit your Building Access Form to gain access to offices/classrooms. It is imperative that you continue to practice health and safety protocols while on campus, such as wearing a face covering, washing your hands, and maintaining 6 feet of social distancing. Join me at the next Cafécito with the President on 2/18/21 (12:30 – 1:30 pm) to learn of the district’s COVID-19 planning efforts for Return to Campus.
In my February 2, 2021 President’s Communication to the BCC Community, I provided an update on the most recent ACCJC communication. During the February 8th College Roundtable meeting we discussed the upcoming Accreditation Day on Friday, February 19th from 12:00 – 1:00pm. This campus session will provide an overview of the College’s ISER, highlights examples in each of the standards, and provide information on the upcoming site visit, March 1 – 4, 2021. Please visit the BCC Accreditation Web Page for additional information.
Student Engagement/Supports
FAFSA deadline March 2, 2021: The Financial Aid Office is offering online services to students on a daily basis through Zoom, chat, and telephone to ensure that all eligible students submit their FAFSA. To accommodate student schedules, one-on-one sessions can be made upon request. Students can receive support via Zoom Workshops and Online Chats on the website.
Laptops For Students: Students can successfully complete their classes this spring with a FREE laptop for use while enrolled. Students can access TWO laptops: one to run zoom and the other to take notes and work on your assignment. If you learn of students whose household could benefit from having additional laptop support, direct them here to submit their request.
Umoja Scholar Program Virtual Open House – Join the Umoja Scholars on February 17th from 3:00 – 5:00 to be in community, network, learn about the Umoja Scholar community and join a dance/listening PARTY! Zoom details:
Closing Comments
During Black History Month, we have the opportunity to learn about influential black leaders, activists, scholars, artists, entrepreneurs, and we are a richer community because of these learnings. I am honored to share that our very own colleague, Ramona Butler, is the author of PCCD Black History Month Announcements! It gives me great pleasure that Ramona contributed to the “closing comments” for this communication:
“Berkeley City College is an institution of higher learning, committed to academic excellence. It is important to me that Black History Month is more than just words on a page as part of a curriculum, or 2 minutes of Dr. Martin Luther King’s ” I have a Dream” speech. It is part of an extended education of who we are as Black Americans, and our range of accomplishments and contributions. We stand on the shoulders of greatness and we continue to evolve.”
~Ramona Butler, EOPS/CARE Coordinator
In response to Ramona’s message to us, I encourage you to post the daily Black History Month announcements in your classes, workshops, team meetings, and social media outlets. Add to this list of amazing individuals and identify an influential black person in your discipline/program to share with students and colleagues. Support Umoja Scholars and celebrate them at their upcoming virtual Open House. Let us rise to the occasion of promoting Black Excellence not only during this month, but as Ramona would challenge us to do, every day.
In Community,
Dr. Angélica Garcia (she | her | ella)
Berkeley City College