Internships and Job Postings Spring 2018

FAQs RE Berkeley City College Interns 2018 Spring

Fall  2018 Internships


Announcing internship positions in many fields including, but not limited to: Business, Computer Information Systems, Marketing, Multimedia Arts, Web Design, Social Media, Accounting, and Economics.  Most positions are in Berkeley; many within walking distance of Berkeley City College. Check this website regularly for updates and additional opportunities.

The students who are chosen for unpaid internships will need to enroll in:

COPED 450/B1/#23621 or COPED 450/B2/#24475 or COPED 451/B1/#23622 for a minimum of one unit.

This is a late start, hybrid course; it consists of mostly online work, but also has three mandatory class meetings: General Orientation on February 5th, 2018; a Midterm class meeting on March 26th, 2018; and a Final class meeting on May 21st, 2018.  All classes meet in BCC Room 54, 3:00 to 4:15 p.m.



Resume Workshop

Consider taking this brief online resume workshop to fine tune your resume before sending it to the potential employer.

Cover Letter Hints

Be prepared to include a cover letter any time you submit a resume.  This article provides hints, advice, and samples.

Interview Tips

If you are selected for an interview, take a few minutes to review the advice on these pages.

Job Search Help

North Cities Career Center


Contact organizations directly for questions about their postings.

Contact Jayne Matthews, Business Instructor, for general questions


Apply as soon as possible, but no later than Feburary 9, 2017 unless otherwise noted. 


Arts, Graphic Design, Media, Music, Social Media


Community Outreach and Development


Computer Software, Hardware, Programming, and Support


Engineering/Architecture, Computer, Civil, Electrical


Human Resource/Customer Service, Administrative


Childhood Education/Teaching, Youth Services, Recreation


Marketing, Communications, Event Planning, Business Development, Public Relations

Office Administration/Accounting, Banking, Finances, Fundraising


Writing/Editing, Journalism, Blogging, Typist


Science/Research, Data Support


Medical Practice, Care-giving, Medical Assisting/Administration


Environmental Relations/Services, Eco, Sustainability


Travel, Hospitality, Service




 Additional Resources for finding jobs