November 3, 2021
Dear Berkeley City College Community,
It’s amazing to think that we have begun a new month and that the closing of the fall semester is two holiday breaks away. This communication is to update the community on the Return to Campus efforts and inform you of the process for submitting proposals to request the use of HEERF Institutional Portion funds.
Return to Campus/ Safety
During the October 21, 2021 Mid-Semester College Flex, I provided updates on the additional HVAC assessment of spaces throughout the building for ensuring that air exchange rates meet industry standards. The preliminary report from the most recent assessment defined how we have some spaces throughout the building that need some remediation to meet industry standards. Remediation strategies range from portable air purifiers to larger systems work for HVAC cleaning, servicing, and air balancing. The BCC executive leadership team, with VP Sean Brooks as our primary liaison, is working with DGS colleagues to address the remediation recommendations, and provide an additional assessment as needed. VP Brooks’ weekly communications will provide updates as they are made available. Please know that we are working closely with DGS colleagues to ensure the health and safety of our facilities. Should you need Return to Campus/Safety items (e.g. PPE, hand sanitizers, etc.), please communicate these to your immediate supervisor, as there are HEERF institutional funds allocated to support these needs or we may already have them in stock. VP Brooks will work with the management team regarding Return to Campus/Safety needs and efforts.
HEERF Institutional Funds- BCC Proposal Requests
Berkeley City College has received Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF) to support students and colleges impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, with Direct Student Aid and Institutional Portion allocations. Throughout the District, these funds have been allocated according to federal guidelines and focused on three areas:
- Direct Student Aid and Direct Student Support (additional support beyond the minimum aid grants)
- Teaching & Learning
- Return to Campus/Safety
BCC has $700,000 in one-time funds to support proposals that are directly connected to Direct Student Support or Teaching & Learning. This amount is lower than the $1.6M previously communicated because we are planning for the additional facilities remediation needs. I encourage faculty, classified professionals, and administrators to consider submitting a proposal for projects that would address 1) Direct Support to Students and/or 2) Teaching & Learning in your respective departments and programs. You will need to work with your immediate manager to prepare and submit your proposal, as they will ensure that proposals are within the federal expenditure guidelines.
Timeline for Proposal Process
November 3, 2021 HEERF Proposal Process & Proposal Available Online
December 1, 2021 Proposal submissions due by 5:00 pm (submitted by immediate manager)
December 3, 2021 Proposals reviewed by Vice Presidents, Presidents of Academic Senate, Classified Senate, and Associated Students. Recommendations for prioritizing and funding proposals will be submitted to the College President for final approval.
Week of December 6th– Notification of awards
The funds are to be expended by June 30, 2022 and major purchases need to be completed by March 15, 2022 (e.g. technology, large supplies, etc). Again, the managers are equipped and prepared to ensure that these timelines are met when working with district fiscal and purchasing processes.
Closing comments
We have had multiple community discussions over the past months regarding how BCC students and the broader community have been impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Collectively, you have risen to the challenge to continue to serve students, our community, and one another. I appreciate the questions and the accountability for community discussions regarding how the federal emergency relief aid can support students in their career and academic aspirations. Yesterday, my family gathered around our Día De Los Muertos altar to honor our antepasados. This year we had new photos of loved ones who have passed due to complications of COVID19. I continue to wish you and your loved ones health and safety.
In Community,
Angélica Garcia, Ed.D.