ACCJC Site Visit – February 26, 2021

Dear Berkeley City College Community,

We have wrapped up a great week of work to prepare for our upcoming ACCJC Site Visit March 1- March 4, 2021. Today’s afternoon planning session provided the opportunity to review the schedule and prepare colleagues for the various interviews throughout next week. The energy was high, information flowing, and pearls of wisdom were shared. We are READY to share all of the good work that takes place at Berkeley City College!

I encourage you to revisit my daily communications from this past to revisit the BCC ISER Accreditation Quick Guide, the BCC Pride Virtual Backgrounds, and the Virtual Campus Tour video, featuring students. I also want to remind everyone that there are three opportunities for campus wide input and participation:

Meet & Greet with the ACCJC Team Members: Monday 3/1 (12:30 – 1:30 pm)
Zoom meeting information will be distributed no later than Monday morning by 10:00am via BCC- FAS.

Open Forums for College & Community Members: Tuesday 3/2 (12:30 – 1:30 pm) and Wednesday 3/3 (5:00 – 6:00 pm)

ACCJC virtual visit guidelines require that these Open Forums follow a registration process. Please register via the embedded links the flyer below or the BCC Accreditation Site Visit webpage:


Open Forum to share views and direct questions to the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) Peer Review Team.

The Open Forum is a space for students, classified staff, faculty, and community members to ask questions of and share reflections on the role of BCC in their lives to the ACCJC Peer Review Team. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Open Forum will be held virtually and via Zoom.


March 2 (12:30PM – 1:30PM)

March 3 (5:30PM – 6:30PM)

Show your BCC PRIDE

During the ACCJC virtual site visit come share your #BerkeleyCityCollegePride on the Berkeley City College Accreditation jamboard! Please leave a note about your favorite ISER standard and how you “know it show it” or share a note about why Berkeley City College is so special to you and the community. #WeAreBCC, let’s do it! Follow the link below to share your BCC Pride!

In my evening meeting with the Team Chair, we reviewed some final revisions to the schedule for next week. Please know that every ounce of effort and energy that you have put into this process is evident. There are many of our colleagues that will continue to work throughout the weekend to finalize our site visit preparations. To each of you— THANK YOU! Our college community is stronger because we do this work together and this accreditation is our time to shine.

I wish you and your loved ones a good weekend,

Dr. Angélica Garcia (she | her | ella)
Berkeley City College

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