Avy Valladares

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June 11th, 2020

Dr. Avy Valladares, aka Avy, aka Aviccus, aka Primus Inter Pares, aka Prof, aka The Avster, aka El Profe, received his PhD in Italian Studies with a Designated Emphasis in Film and Media from the University of California Berkeley in 2015. He holds an M.A. from the University of Pittsburgh, and a B.A. from UCLA and a lot of BS from just being alive in this planet.

He (and by ‘he’ I mean me. Who else would be writing this Bio?) enjoys teaching immensely: he has equated it with performing a “One Man Show.” He believes in the power of education for opening minds, if not necessarily careers. Although it does help. He hopes that his students will not waste their and his time, that they will see classes at BCC for what they can be: an opportunity to become something greater.

Dr. Avy loves SciFi books and movies, craft beers and wine, Orcas, and believes in dragons. He also believes that naps are essential to a good life.


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