Spring11 FIG-15 Shorter Multimedia Certificates

Area: Multimedia Arts


Lee Marrs
Hannah Chauvet
Sabrina Nelson

Research Question:

Would shorter certificates result in more retention and persistence in MMArts?

Research Methods:

Surveyed MMArts students.


  1. A majority of students taking courses are looking to upgrade their professional skills and only ⅓ of students are trying to transfer;
  2. A majority of students already have degrees;
  3. People with only GEDs or high school grads are not earning certificates (why?);
  4. Many students dropped classes because of external conflicts or didn’t understand what the course might teach them.


  1. Develop more focused and easily obtainable certificates (that are stackable) to increase student success.

Final Report:

MMART FIG Report (S2011)



Spring11 FIG-12 First Year Experience

Area: First Yeaf Experience


Cara Statucki
Shawn Dubiago
Gail Pendleton
Paula Coil
Hermia Yam
Allene Young
Joan Berezin

Research Question:

What is the experience like for our students in their first year at BCC?

Research Methods:

Created an electronic survey that will be distributed to students.


  1. 90% of students were interested in attending presentations where instructors would share information about majors and careers;
  2. Students mainly learned about programs and resources from their teachers (43%);
  3. 40% reported receiving no help when choosing their classes;
  4. More more in the report.


  1. Educate teachers about college information;
  2. Provide more information for students in a number of media;
  3. Help with goal setting and academic planning;
  4. Follow up survey to see why students who plan to transfer aren’t taking English or math classes

Final Report:

FIG First Year Experience Spring 2011


Fall10 FIG-7 Improving English Research and Paper-Writing Skills

Area: English


Blake Hausman
Amy Zink
Jenny Lowood
Scott Hoshida

Research Question:

How do we help students to improve their skills conducting research and writing research papers?


  1. The English Department has shifted its focus to a portfolio assessment and changed its stance on the research project. Rather than a long final research paper, instructors will assign at least two smaller research papers.

Final Report:



Fall10 FIG-8 Incorporate Technology to Meet Lanugage Learners’ Needs

Area: ESL (Technology)


Laurie Brion
Venus Chung Tritasavit
Gabrielle Winer

Research Question:

How can we best incorporate technology to meet our language learners’ needs?


  1. Encourage instructors to use eperalta.org and other online sources because it supports student learning;
  2. Develop effective methods of gathering student feedback on technology use in classroom;
  3. Provide all students with full access to the internet and computers and possibly other methods for using technology;
  4. Front-load technology issues with students.

Final Report: