SAP BCC-OUSD 9-14 Information and Communications Technology/Digital Media Pathway

640px-SAP_2011_logo.svgousddownload (8) BCC-OUSD 9-14 ICT/Digital Media Pathway BCC is honored to build upon our existing relationships with Oakland Unified School District and Career Ladders Projects with an innovative grant from SAP to collaboratively plan and pilot the first West Coast SAP 9-14 Information Communications Technology (ICT)/Digital Media Pathway. Currently, Skyline High School Computer Technology Academy teachers and staff, and BCC ICT/DM faculty and staff are in the planning stages of the two year opportunity. We look forward to sharing our progress on this opportunity for students facing multiple barriers to gain early college credit within a contextualized college and career pathway, benefit from enhanced transitional and matriculation services, and enjoy from significant SAP support of work-based learning opportunities, including virtual mentoring. SAP OUSD-PCCD 9-14 ICT/Digital Media Pathway Press For information about other SAP K-12/community college efforts build such pathways, please feel free to review examples here: New York B-Tech with Queensborough Community College Boston B-Tech with Bunker Hill Community College
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