Office of Statewide Health Planning, and Development (OSHPD) East Bay Peer Personnel Education and Experience Pathway

HCRlogo_header BCC Public and Human Services Program is honored to be one of 5 trainers in California awarded the Office of Statewide Health Planning, and Development (OSHPD) Peer Personnel Training and Placement grant (OSHPD Peer Personnel RFA) to develop a collaborative community of practice to recruit, assess, train, place, and support students with lived experience in the public mental health system (PMHS) into designated peer personnel positions within the East Bay PMHS community. Funding for the OSHPD Peer Personnel Training and Placement grant is from California voter-approved Proposition 63, the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA). Sections 2 and 3 of the MHSA provide increased funding, personnel and other resources to support public mental health programs and monitor progress toward statewide goals for children, transition age youth, adults, older adults and families.  Funds support organizations to train and place individuals who are currently or seeking to be employed and/or volunteer as peer personnel by engaging in recruitment and outreach, career counseling, training, placement, and support activities with a priority focus on peer personnel placement in the PMHS. Training includes: crisis management, suicide prevention, recovery planning, targeted case management assistance and other related peer training and support functions to facilitate the deployment of peer personnel as an effective and necessary service to clients and family members, and as triage and targeted case management personnel. BCC is excited to collaborate with the critical governmental and community partners and trainers on this 2 year grant, including:
  • Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services
  • BestNow!
  • Berkeley Mental Health
  • Courageous Women Association
BHCSlogo10275528_595401037223230_3606254441782967419_oCityofBerkeley-logofile98 For more information about the Office of Statewide Health Planning, and Development and these resources, please find information here: OSHPD Website
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