DART: Smart Classroom: Fridays September 21 and October 12 12:15-1:15 in BCC rm. 315

Join Gabe Winer to discuss/apply/reflect on strategies to increase student access and engagement by taking advantage of the technology in your classroom. The workshop is hands-on and tailored to those attending, so please come if you’ve never turned on the projector or if you have a great idea to share that you’ve been perfecting for years. We’ll work with the document camera, the projector, the desktop computer, and the white board, and find ways to make the machinery work for you and your students.

Click here for the handout:



DARTs (Discuss-Apply-Reflect-Tools) are two-part workshops designed for teachers to promote and implement techniques that improve access, equity, and student centered learning across the disciplines, while sharing knowledge and supporting professional development.