Sociology Course SLOs

Soc 01: Introduction to Sociology

Students will be able to:

I: Define core sociological terms and/or key theoretical approaches to social phenomena

II: Demonstrate how identities such as race, class, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion and nationality contribute to a range of social experiences and social perspectives.

Soc 2: Social Problems

Students will be able to:

I: Apply sociological concepts and theories to written text and/or media.

II: Explain how a selected social problem is caused by cultural, structural, and economic factors.

Soc 5: Minority Groups

Students will be able to:

I: Correctly apply the sociological concepts and theories learned in the course to written text or multi-media content.

II: Analyze how the life experiences and outcomes of a minority group (or an American who is a member of a minority group) have been impacted by their minority status.

Soc 06: Comparative Social Movements Since the 1960s

Students will be able to:

I: Correctly apply the sociological concepts and theories learned in the course to written text or multi-media content.

II: Describe and assess the tactics, strategies, impact, resources, opportunities, and the organizational form of a selected social movement organization – using the course concepts and theories.

Soc 07 : Sociology of Gender

Students will be able to:

I: Analyze how social structure and culture shape gendered identities and experiences, using ethnographic or content analysis research methods.

II: Correctly apply sociological theories, terms, and concepts concerning gendered experiences and phenomena to readings or video clips.

Soc 08: Crime and Deviance

Students will be able to:

I: Define core sociological terms and concepts utilized in the study of crime and deviance

II: Demonstrate how deviant and criminal identities are socio-cultural constructs that intersect with other social identities such as race/ethnicity, class, gender, age, and sexual orientation.

Soc 13: Sociology of the Family

Students will be able to:

I: Describe major historical and social changes impacting the institution of the family

II: Explain how diversity and inequality impact the structure and functioning of families

Soc 18: Sociology of Death and Dying

Students will be able to:

I: Describe core sociological concepts as they relate to the topic of death and dying

II: Apply key theoretical paradigms and explain how these paradigms inform our understanding of death and dying

Soc 120: Introduction to Research Methods

Students will be able to:

I: Explain why different theoretical perspectives require different social scientific research methodologies.

II: Effectively plan, design, and execute either a research proposal or an original research project.