Milvia Street 2010 Selections


blacker and smarter my little ubangi

by Linda King


keep out the sun

put somethin over your head

cause you know

you will only get darker


go outside when the sun

goes down

just so you don’t sweat

and make your hair go back

to that nappy state

that makes you look

like a ubangi


fold the cloths

don’t put your purse on the floor

bad luck

it will stop your money


don’t chew gum in public

makes you look like a fool

with no manners

just like I saw you yesterday


make sure your legs are closed

when you sit

or the boys will start

to sniff

you can be a heifer

if you want too

didn’t I say

stay out the sun’s way

it makes you blacker

wash up

you smell motley


you like the sun

on your skin

burnin you

black taboo

no man will want cha

cause you blue black


come on sit down

let me straightin them naps

it don’t matter hlow it burns

cause ya gonna look good

hold still

chile you just don’t know

the sun will make you darker

ain’t no reason for that

now scratch my hair

it’s time to can tomatoes

fresh out the garden

snap the string beans

come on

help me turn the pots


put that book down

you think you smart enough

alright sit here at the table

read me somethin

cause baby girl

you can only get blacker

there will be no redbone man

to offer a cup for you


you like the sun on your skin

burning out the light

wind tryin to move

through yo thick nappy hair
yea chile

worship the ubangi

that thunders through your veins

cause the world out there

wants no part of you


so embrace the sun

and let it make you sweat

keep your legs closed

the learning will do the rest

you just gonna get blacker

I suspect

you want

school learnin

blacker and smarter

blacker and smarter

you read real good

my little ubangi

my little african



Linda King’s old eyes view the world in black and white, sometimes in the techno-color of vibrant cyber spunk.  She is a poet, performance artist, and child of the world who can still remember the child within.
