RTN-Interview Archive – Roadmap Activity

p. 949.764.9121
f. 949.764.9162

The Roadmap Activity: Quick-Response Assignment

Instruction time with student: 10-15 minutes
Time for student to complete independent task: ~30 minutes (time will vary depending on how many Leader
videos and the length of each video watched by the student)

1. Have students visit their unique landing page (https://roadtripnation.com/edu/xxx). Students will need your school’s membership code in order to create their personal Roadtrip Nation account to complete the assignment. Please see the Landing Page User Guide document for instructions on how to set up an account.

2. Have students click on Career Exploration > The Roadmap and walk students through completing The Roadmap activity by having them choose two Interests and a Foundation.

3. Once the student has made their choices, he or she will be taken to their custom results page, where they can explore Leaders from the Roadtrip Nation Interview Archive who align with their personal Foundation and Interests. Each Leader profile allows students to take a glimpse into their specific pathway, personal experiences along their road, and challenges they had to overcome in order to follow their passions and pursue their dream careers.

4. Encourage students to repeat The Roadmap activity as many times as they like in order to try out other combinations of Foundations and Interests. This will lead them to explore even more Leaders from the Archive.

6. Assign the reflection questions on the next page to your students.

7. Schedule the student to return for a follow-up meeting to share their career list and reflections. This can be particularly helpful for undeclared students looking to choose a major.

Create an account on your institution’s landing page; roadtripnation.com/edu/xxx and enter your student
membership code listed below. This code will be given to you by your instructor/counselor. If you already have a free roadtripnation.com account, go to your account settings, and add the code to the “membership” tab.

Membership Code: __________________________

Reflection Questions:
1. To what degree is your college major aligned to your Foundation and/or Interests? If you’re undeclared, think about majors that would align and explain how below.

2. List three occupations that combine your Foundation and Interests. You might also choose to list careers that only align with one or more of your choices. Why does each of these occupations stand out to you?

3. Research one of the occupations you listed above. What are some steps you might take to obtain this career, and who might you contact to learn more about how they got to where they are today?